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Test Calendar heasdfasdf


31 2022


This 45 minute to an hour session will be an opportunity to meditate together with gentle guidance and explore differ…


31 2022

Inner Journeys with the Omer

5:00PM - 6:30PM  



After the sweet heights of Pesach, we count the Omer—the 49 days between redemption from Egypt and the revelation at…


1 2022

CSP: Virtual Walking Tour of Jewish Budapest

9:30AM - 10:30AM  

Zoom - Online - register for link


n a city that has seen extremes of both ruin and redevelopment in the last 100 years, Budapest’s Jewish Quarter is…


1 2022

Rest in the Seventh

5:00PM - 6:30PM  



This Hebrew year 5782 is the Shmita year, a sabbatical year of rest and release. How might we personally and…


1 2022

Access Judaism

7:00PM - 8:00PM  



Stand up. Sit back down. Skip 23 pages ahead. Go back. What is with the prayer service? You might be surprised to…


2 2022

CSP:Peggy Guggenheim's special relationship-Tel Aviv Museum of Art

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Zoom - Online - register for link


Peggy Guggenheim's special relationship with the Tel Aviv Museum of Art with Sophia Berry

Peggy Guggenheim is well kn…