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About Us

Who We Are


We are the central address for the Jewish community in Sample, supporting the work of a wide range of local partner agencies. In addition to meeting local Jewish needs, our Jewish Federation also helps fund and partners with important Jewish organizations in North America.


What We Do


The Jewish Federation of Sample protects and enhances the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam (repairing the world), tzedakah (charity and social justice) and Torah (Jewish learning).


How We Do It


Complementing the Federation's professional staff is a dedicated group of volunteers who ensure that Federation is amongst the most responsible fundraising agencies, with a four-star Charity Metric rank. Our generous volunteers live generously by donating financial resources in addition to volunteering their time, energy and expertise to help raise funds and oversee the thoughtful allocation of campaign funds to deserving programs and agencies. Volunteers also make up the backbone of our community by serving on various boards, committees, and donating their time to work at our affiliated social service agencies. This is new as of Feb 11, 19 at approximately 4:35PM EST.

Welcome to the Sample Jewish Federation

We are seeking to promote the well-being of our community, our members, and Jews throughout the world.

Building Family in Israel

Helping to find a home in Israel for Jews across the globe, and strengthening a diverse Israeli society. More

Connecting Young Jews

An eclectic, passionate group making a difference through volunteerism, leadership, networking, events and fundraising. More

Women's Philanthropy

Tapping into the largest resource of charitable power - acting to improve the world around us - through tzedakah and chesed. More

  • Journey Complete

    With Federation support, Ethiopian Jews are starting new lives in Israel and building a new life in the Promised Land. Read More >

  • TribeFest

    Our young contingent at TribeFest went to Nola and engaged in service projects, leadership training and a major Purim party. View video ›